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text MShox to 2600 now!


Overview of the Opportunity

Prima Luce Corporation ( the owners of Mshox (,,,,, is seeking equity joint venture partners, and franchisees for territories worldwide. The company is to continue to be co-domiciled in the Philippines and the UK but now with further emphasis on the UK for global reach

Background and Technology

Mshox provides compelling up to date information to the public and businesses via mobile phones and the internet. It is the first system to straddle both the mobile phone and the internet and is effectively an ‘alive yellow pages’. This differentiates it from other systems. It enables advertisers to change information using the net for instant and dynamic recovery on the mobile phone. Systems used include maps, SMS, MMS and WAP, keyword search in free format, mega sims, etc.

System and Unique Selling Point

With a simple text message, queries from a mobile phone (SMS, MMS) or via WAP or Internet access, users can find a wealth of information on any business that subscribes to the Mshox system.

Search for anything you can think of. For example in a Philippine setting one can type “Mshox sale Makati” on the “create message” of your phone send it to 2600 for Globe, Smart and Sun. The return message you will get is the complete addresses of listed establishments in Makati, their phone numbers, and other information, as long as it is tagged with the word ‘sale’. If the query is too broad the return will be establishment name only. To get the best result be more specific.

If you have a phone that is MMS capable you can get a map of the place, or if it is a restaurant you are looking for perhaps a menu or maybe a picture of the business establishment. And if your phone is WAP enabled surf the site by typing in Remember to type in mshox always.

The Market

Our focus is on the fast emerging mobile and broadband market place. Country market determinants will affect our top and bottom line. Our products though have adjacent affinity and are generic and speedily available for any market. Our nouveau niche marketing intends to replace the tired old traditional formats, and global research tends to reinforce that this is what advertisers want.

Key Investment Criteria

Prima Luce Corporation presents an attractive investment for potential joint venture investors who are interested in pre-mezzanine finance.

First Mover Advantage

Using our unique system we intend to propel ourselves onto the world stage as quickly as possible to provide user friendly and useful content for the mobile phone via a range of conceptual and original techniques.

We have ensured through careful research and development that Mshox is in a class of its own, and we intend to capture a large portion of the global market at an early stage. Timing has been a critical factor in our endevours and this has become particularly apt with the arrival of new model smart phones to the market place.

High Expansion Potential

The platform for the technology is very flexible in that several features can be added without much cost. Thus the company is equipped to easily adapt to changing market trends or emerging hardware technologies.

Exit Mechanisms

The company plans to offer its shares to the public via an Initial Public Offering (IPO) on a major market within three (3) years. As such, gains will come not only from company earnings but also from the increased value of the stock. Acquisition by another company is also a strong possibility.

Experienced Management and Technical Team

The company fields a well rounded and experienced team that will be used as the building block to attract other qualified and committed personnel.


Prima Luce Corporation is approaching a limited number of potential equity investors for a share in the company. Interested parties should contact one of the individuals below. We will provide further details on the opportunity covering product market information and future prospects. You will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement before having access to the information.


Mark G.G Lloyd, email:
Thomas D. Caedo, email:


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